Новости NEWSru.com :: За подержанную импортную машину придется доплачивать больше 100 тысяч рублей

Вступление в ВТО… Снижение заградительных пошлин…

После вступления в ВТО Россия должна будет снизить размер импортных пошлин на автомобили с нынешних 30% до 25%, а затем в течение семи лет – до 15%. Утилизационный сбор должен компенсировать снижение этих пошлин. По предварительным подсчетам Минпромторга и Минэкономразвития, сбор за новую легковую машину может составить 20-45 тысяч рублей, за грузовую – в зависимости от категории – от 150 до 400 тысяч рублей.

via Новости NEWSru.com :: За подержанную импортную машину придется доплачивать больше 100 тысяч рублей.

А я то всё гадал, что они придумают, чтобы нормальные автомобили не делать…

Новости NEWSru.com :: За подержанную импортную машину придется доплачивать больше 100 тысяч рублей: 6 комментариев

  1. id developers.
    If you visit the jeweller you’ll want to tell these people your the most price that you are currently willing to invest and encourage them you are not interested with seeing anything above your current maximum cost.
    If you currently have an gemstone it becomes recommended that you take it in hand to express the jeweller to enable them advise anyone which diamond a wedding ring would look the top along side it.
    Always ask if they have any type of payment package and you should definitely work out and about any interest to be added oid developers.

    If you visit the jeweller you’ll want to tell these people your the most price that you are currently willing to invest and encourage them you are not interested with seeing anything above your current maximum cost.

    If you currently have an gemstone it becomes recommended that you take it in hand to express the jeweller to enable them advise anyone which diamond a wedding ring would look the top along side it.

    Always ask if they have any type of payment package and you should definitely work out and about any interest to be added on see generally if the plan suits you and your capacity to pay.

    Purchasing complimenting diamond ceremony rings meant for both yourself and your partner might talk easy as you’re only seeking one sort of ring even so two people’s opinions ought to be taken into account, discuss with all your partner the sorts of diamond ceremony rings you both like to stop any arguments at a store.

    Another important things to just remember when seeking out diamond wedding day rings is make sure that the amount shown in the ring may be the price for your ring and not just per gemstone, some jewellers will probably price the stones on their own.

    You could always not spend as much by contemplating imitation engagement wedding much more, especially for people with over used on the wedding event its sub-conscious, there is very little reason why you can’t later restore the ring along with a real diamond wedding ring remember when you are in the best position.
    Some shops sell pretend diamond ceremony rings and also really wouldn’t have the capacity to tell if they were false or not while you could save a bundle.

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